Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bila Tuhan memanggil mu

Virgo Itu Aku! VIA!

Semalam aku menerima satu shocking news. I was really shocked. My uncle had just passed away. So we went to his house. Di situ lagi saya rasa sebak melihat orang2 yang dikenali diselubungi kesedihan. Ya Allah, aku cuma mampu melihat sambil itu aku terkenang masa2 bersamanya. Even though, I had little times with mulah Uda but i must say it were happy times. I am a loner. Saya memang suka menyendiri. Especially kat tempat2 yang saya tak biasa. I'm not comfortable with my mom's family and siblings. Perhaps I didnt try enough to blend with them.

Uda memang baik hati. At times I'm alone in any events, he's the one who will approach and talk to me. Asked me the same things every time we met. Dia akan tanya about my age, my study and about my brother who rarely to come at an event. Bila terkenang perkara ni, I'm really sad. However, I must not be sad. Ada juga saya terbaca satu article. Don't be sad akan kematian seseorang. Kita harus redha dengan pemergian nya. Jangan buat si mati seksa. Hence, I become strong but sadness remains a bit. The last time I met mulah Uda was during "the conversion to Muslim" event. Malam tuh, as usual, saya duduk sorang2. Dad blend with them. Saya duduk khemah sebelah whilst they were on the other side of the khemah.

Mengenangkan malam ituh, saya rasa menyesal. After that event, selepas semua orang habis makan. As usual, mulah Uda approached me and again asked me the same things. I wasn't in mood at that time. So saya jawab dengan selamba jer lahhh. I didn't know that will be the last time I talked with him. :'( Itulah, kematian tak kan pernah di jangka. Sometimes, we have to be ready at any times. Ajal maut di tangan Allah. For me, he is still young. Umur 40+ masih, leaving wife and children. I am worried about them. None of his children yet has driving license. Bagaimana nanti mereka nak pergi sekolah and all. So minda ku terus jadi kucar kacir. Mungkin ada juga hikmah nya nanti.

Hati tak tahan nak sambung kisah ini lagi lahhh. Gotta stop typing now. My last word: life is a test, deal with it. Never regret anything that you had done cus its an experience. ^^

What can I do?

Virgo Itu Aku!

Officially launched 15th June 2011. Apa sebenarnya yang ku inginkan? Why do I have to create this blog? Well, I am currently on semester-break, memang lahhh enjoy! Tapiii... Paham2 jer lahhh. -.-" When the time comes, you will eventually find yourself at nowhere but in a lonely place. >.<"""

Simple jer. Memang lahhh I already have a blog but for me itu zaman kanak2 kot. The purpose I created new blog ni pun pasal nak tukar image baru. HEEE! Lagipun, bila baca balik blog lama tuh, segan lahhh. Even nak tell you guys the link of my old blog pun dah malu. -.-" It quite fortunate for those who knows my old blog tapiii tolong lahhh yer. Jangan bongkar kan link tuhhh. Malu! T.T

Hmmm. I'm running out of words. Dah takder idea nak kongsi. So, nak stop kat sini jer lahhh. Just a reminder, this gonna be a Malay-English blog. So beware, pusing kepala nak baca ini blog. My blog, sesuka hati aku lahhh. HEEE! Ayt then. See you again readers! Nanti ada update, saya bagi tau lahhh. No worries. Facebook will always help me to notify you guys! My last word: live your life to the fullest and enjoy! ^^